The Harnessing Opportunities for Prison Ex-convicts (HOPE) Programme of CSD Reform is an integrated framework aimed at promoting economic justice and social inclusion for both prison inmates and ex-offenders. The programme is made of the following linear logical modules:
- Justice for All (J4A)
- Business Advisory Services
- Public awareness creation using Community Radio
- Reintegration services for ex-offenders
- Technical skills training for both Prisoners and ex-offenders
- Advocacy on issues affecting prisoners and ex-offenders
Through the support of Misereor, CSD Reform has initiated a two (2) year pilot project in Tamale to leverage economic, social and legal opportunities for both prisoners and ex-offenders.
The goal of the HOPE Programme is “improved access to justice for remand prisoners, community reintegration for released prisoners, restoration of human rights/dignity and economic opportunities for remand prisoners and released Prisoners in Tamale by 2020 tailored towards ensuring “no one is left behind” from Ghana’s effort at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”